meet the board
The Page Research Institute Team

Chairman of the Board, The Hon. John Anderson AC
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
Anderson is a sixth-generation farmer and grazier from New South Wales, who spent 19 years from 1989 in the Australian Parliament.
He served as a senior Cabinet minister in the reformist government led by John Howard from 1996 to 2005. This included six years as Leader of the National Party and Deputy Prime Minister.
John launched the Page Research Centre in 2003 while serving as Deputy Prime Minister, and has been Chairman of the Board since 2012.

The Hon Mark Coulton MP
Mark was first elected to the House of Representatives for the seat of Parkes, New South Wales, in 2007. He has since been re-elected in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2022. In June 2022, Mark was appointed as the National Party’s Chief Whip. He previously served as the Minister for Regional Health, Regional Communications and Local Government from February 2020 until July 2021. He was first appointed to the Coalition Government Ministry on 26 May 2019 by Prime Minister Scott Morrison as the Minister for Regional Services, Decentralisation and Local Government, and Assistant Trade and Investment Minister, and was officially sworn-in on 29 May 2019. From March 2018 to May 2019, Mark was the Assistant Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment. During his time in the Federal Parliament, Mark has also held the positions of Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, National Party’s Chief Whip, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Ageing and the Voluntary Sector, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Water and Conservation and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development and Emerging Trade Markets.
Prior to his election to the House of Representatives, Mark was the Mayor of Gwydir Shire Council from 2004 until 2007. Mark has an extensive agricultural background having spent 30 years as a farmer and grazier. Until 2006, Mark and his wife Robyn owned and operated a mixed farming system growing cereal crops and running beef cattle.

Bill Baxter AM
Bill Baxter is an irrigation farmer producing cereals, oil seeds, wool and meat in the Murray Valley.
He has had a long career in public office having been elected a Shire Councillor at age 23 and then serving for 33 years in the Parliament of Victoria. He has held office as a Parliamentary Committee chair, a Cabinet Minister and chair of two statutory authorities. As Minister for Roads and Ports, he signed the Concession Deed which enabled the major infrastructure investment, Melbourne City Link, to proceed. He recently concluded a term as a Director of a major superannuation fund.
He is presently project managing the conversion of the family farm from surface watering to spray irrigation via nine travelling irrigation machines. This substantial investment will deliver significant productivity gains and environmental benefits.

Martin Svikis
Martin Svikis has been a director of the Page Research Centre since 2015. Currently Managing Director of Graceburn Pty Ltd, a consultancy in transport and logistics.
He has had an extensive career in logistics in Australia, Europe and Asia holding senior executive positions with major Australian transport companies including Linfox and Toll. He has been an active participant in transport policy development including as an inaugural member of the Australian Logistics Council and Director of the Australian Railway Association.
Martin holds tertiary qualifications in Agricultural Economics from the University of New England.

Christine Ferguson AM
Christine has had a long history in the agricultural sector, partner in family business producing prime lambs, wool, cattle and farm tourism.
Christine has spent over 25 years working for the National Party holding many positions including Federal Women’s President, Chairman of NSW, National Federal President. Chairman of the Sir Earle Page Trust, Federal Management Committee, Member of NSW Executive and a Trustee of the Party.
Christine represented the NSW National Party at the Women’s World Conference in Madrid in 2000 and was instrumental in forming the NSW Women’s Council set up to encourage women to participate in the political process.
Christine has lived in regional Australia all her life she understands the challenges confronting rural communities and continues to work with the people that live and work in these regions. She was elected a Councillor to the Gundagai Shire Council 1990-1994, and has served on numerous committees within the Riverina, including Tourism, Murrumbidgee Catchment Committee and Regional Library.
Christine has a Batchelor of Arts Degree in Politics from the University of New England, Armidale and a General Nursing Certificate (Alfred Hospital Melbourne) and Midwifery Certificate (Simpsons Maternity Pavilion Edinburgh).

Dr Theresa Craig
Dr Theresa Craig (PhD) has worked in the agriculture industry her entire career in roles ranging from business woman to scientist. Her experience has also allowed her to work with complementary industries in both the food industry and medicine.
Theresa has a PhD from University of Missouri, in nutrition across all species with a minor in business and a BSc from Texas A & M University in Animal Science. Theresa grew up on a ranch / feedlot operation near Crossfield Alberta, Canada.
Theresa owns and operates her Australian based research and consulting firm, TARA – Technical Assistance and Research Analysis Pty Ltd. Along with her husband, they own and manage a small Charolais stud in South East Queensland.
Theresa is currently the vice chair of the Queensland school animal ethics committee. She is the LNP regional chair for the Sunshine Coast and the President of the Women’s’ Federal council of The Nationals. She also served 3 years as the LNP women president. She is past President of the Agribusiness Association of Australia, a national professional body crossing all sectors of the agribusiness sector.

Andrew Black
Andrew lives at Ballarat in Western Victoria, where his family has farmed since 1839. Andrew graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from the University of Melbourne, for which he was awarded the University Medal, and Master of Laws (Juris Doctor) from Monash University.
Andrew lectures in Property and Land Law at the Australian Catholic University in Melbourne. In addition, he is completing a doctoral thesis at the University of Melbourne on the history of the Country/National Party in Victoria.
Andrew has served as Junior Vice President of the Nationals – Victoria, State President of the Victorian Young Nationals, and Chair of the Victorian Rules Revision Committee. He is currently Chair of the Policy Standing Committee, serving on the Executive Committee of Management and State Council, and he is a board member of the St Vincent de Paul Society, Victoria.

Gerard Holland
Executive Director
Gerard is the Chief Executive Officer of the Page Research Centre. Born and raised on a farm in Greenethorpe NSW, Gerard now lives in Bathurst with his wife and newborn son.
Prior to joining Page, Gerard was the Director of Outreach and Strategic Partnerships at the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship in London, and led the secretariat for the Legatum Institute’s Transformation of Society programme. Whilst in London, he also advised as a speech writer for CEO Baroness Philippa Stroud.
Gerard has also worked as an electorate officer to former Regional Development and Communications Minister and Deputy Leader of the National Party, the Hon. Fiona Nash, and spent a season in Canada as a screenwriter.