Sir Charles Holm letter to Stuart McDonald, 28 July 1987

Sir Charles Holm letter to Stuart McDonald, 28 July 1987
(Chapter 16, p. 191)

Dear Mr McDonald,

I am sorry and disappointed in the decision to go ahead with today’s Management Committee meeting. Both Sir Robert and I have a heavily committed programme and we are unable to attend. However, as previously advised we would have been able to attend such a meeting on either Saturday or Sunday of this week or next Monday.

Also, we would like to have been given the opportunity of having discussions with the State Management Committee of our Party at its meeting to be held on Friday 31st prior to any discussions with the Federal Organisation on our Federal strategy.

As you would be aware, Federal Council in March voted against forming a Coalition in Opposition and I cannot see why we should try and change this decision without going back to Federal Council.

As I told you, we Queenslanders could not come before the weekend and I fail to see why there is so much haste to have this meeting – the Liberals are a nest of hornets at present and I cannot see why we should continue to hang on to their coat tails. We have to be positive and stand up for our policies and not be tied by Liberal decisions.

I received my Agenda at 3.15 yesterday and I cannot see how justice can be given to it in the short time of one day.

Also I am a bit concerned that the Federal Parliamentary Leader, as soon as the election is over, wants to go on his merry way and to hell with the organisation! It won’t work and as soon as he realises that the better.
Dictated by Sir Robert Sparkes and signed in his absence as instructed.

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