Article: We have sold off our international ships and stranded our security

Page CEO Gerard Holland was recently published in The Australian elaborating on the crisis facing Australian shipping.

You would be forgiven for not knowing much about the Australian shipping industry. It has been an industry in decline and sadly, in March of this year the last two of Australia’s international LNG tankers, the Northwest Stormpetrel and Northwest Snipe were sold to Turkish buyers.

Australia no longer has an international merchant marine fleet it can call upon in a time of crisis.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, whilst Aussies are lacking in resilience, China has asserted its dominance. Chinese companies now control the world’s second largest shipping fleet by gross tonnage and produce a significant portion of the world’s shipping containers and ship-to-shore cranes.

Yet again, when it comes to logistic planning, China has outmanouvered the West.

Click here to read his article in full